InOrder is an enterprise management system for multi-channel merchants, fulfillment service providers, publishers, and Internet retailers. Easily deployed as an off-the-shelf system, InOrder accommodates all sales channels, in real time for immediate and accurate inventory and order processing. Cost effective and modular, InOrder is the scalable, end-to-end solution that serves as one central system to manage everything from eCommerce, customer response, marketing & list management, order, inventory & warehouse management, accounting, and reporting.
Real time, tightly integrated ERP system
Ideal for companies with 5 or more users, InOrder is an end-to-end enterprise management system that delivers functions you’ll only find in systems that cost thousands more:
Multiple Sales Channel Management, supporting all order sources, including:
- Web & mobile web
- EDI & electronic files,
- Phone
- Catalog
Complete order history available for all sales channels
InOrder is Morse Data Corporation’s flagship product and our third generation of enterprise management software - a total end-to-end solution that is both robust and affordable. InOrder was designed to be a cost-effective and practical solution developed with the customer in mind – easy to use, easy to deploy, and easy to love. From the very first order, to the ones you never dreamt you’d have, Morse Data is there to keep you growing strong.
Real time inventory and order tracking – Up-to-the-minute views of what’s in stock, and where, across all channels, including retail point-of-sale, call centers, and Web.
Single database – Keep all of your information in one place, and easily let others across your enterprise view it, including marketing, CSRs, and management.
Full integration – Everything you need to manage your business, from financials to CRM.
Modules – Purchase only what you need
InOrder is the expandable solution that grows with your business. InOrder is modular, so you can immediately deploy only the features you need today, with the confidence that the system will effortlessly support you tomorrow.